miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

Do´s and Don´ts of Dinner Dates

An article from Chef Fabio Viviani of Do´s and Don´ts of Dinner Dates has gotten a lot of attention. We will list this revolutionary Chef´s list for you to look out for when going on a dinner date with your special someone.

Fabio’s Dinner Date Do’s:
  • Stick to lite bites. Go for Tapas, Sushi or Happy Hour for an easy night. Sharing date food rather than ordering a full meal will definitely add more romance to the date. It’s also typically less messy and much easier to eat, so you’ll feel more comfortable and confident.
  • Say no to the Merlot. Order a white wine- you’re better safe than sorry. I love red wines but the risk of stained teeth and lips might be worth avoiding while you get to know your new “Match.”
  • Don’t let the cooking keep you from conversing. Cook food that doesn’t require too much of your attention, so while the food is cooking you can still enjoy the company of your date.
  • 1+1 = Sous! – Cooking alone isn’t fun for you or your date, so whether they are a culinary expert or a novice, come up with fun, flirty ways for them to play sous chef. Maybe it’s adding in some ingredients or a little stirring here and there. It’s not about putting them to work since you still want it to seem like a treat for them, but it will make the experience much more fun if you’re doing it together.
  • Impress her with Italian. Italy is the land of love and is one of the most influential cultures when it comes to food. And as I mentioned earlier it’s proven to be a favorite amongst daters. So if you’re choosing a style of cuisine to cook, my recommendation is go with Italian
Fabio’s Dinner Date Don’ts:
  • Cilantro kills your mojo! Don’t use mint, cilantro or too much soy sauce- these ingredients are well known to stop your sex drive!
  • Go easy on the garnish. Don’t use too many extra garnishes, especially green food like parsley and cilantro that can get stuck in your teeth.
  • Beware of your breath! Avoid food that can lead to unpleasant aftermath like beans that can affect your stomach, or garlic or onion that can be bad for your breath. In a recent Match.com poll that asked, “Which foods should you avoid most on a first date?” 67% of users chose garlic and onions as food to skip- so make sure to go easy!
  • No Seedy behavior! Much like the garnish concerns, be on the look-out for seeds, especially poppy seeds that can turn your pearly whites into a total fright.
  • Spicy isn’t always sexy. Avoid super spicy food on your date! Many people cannot tolerate the heat. Over the course of the meal, it’s nice to give your date a taste or maybe even switch plates if you’re comfortable with that. Not everyone can handle spicy food so ask your date if he or she is a fan before you go for it.
  • Don’t go “whole hog”. Don’t go for ribs, BBQ or any full-blown Texas meal. 20 lbs. of brisket on the barbie just doesn’t scream romance! It can be a little messy and might make for a better option when you know each other a little better and feel more at ease.

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