miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

Yard Signs Allege Donald Trump Has Terrible Taste in Ketchup

That's a deep burn

The culinary industry's #NeverTrump crowd is finding an increasing number of ways to insult the leading Republican candidate for president, protesting his campaign with doughnutsburgerssteakhouse bans, and more. Now, someone outside the industry is sending a message by playing up Trump's notoriously bad taste in food.

That's right, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports an area doctor is making his voice heard with a few creative yard signs. Eric Rickin is encouraging neighbors to vote for someone else by implying Trump's supposed distaste for some of the 'Burgh's favorite comestibles. One of Rickin's signs declares Trump is a fan of Hunt's Ketchup, the chief rival to Pittsburgh icon Heinz, and another lambastes the candidate for supposedly hating on pierogi, the city's favorite dumpling. Those opinions are enough to disqualify a person running in the Steel City.

While the pierogi dig is Pittsburgh-specific, the shot at Trump's preferred tomato condiment likely would play well across the country. When it comes to ketchup, Heinz seems to be America's favorite.

from Eater - All http://ift.tt/1qSghsQ

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