viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

Certified Jerk Leaves Gay Server Bible Verse Instead of Tip

People are the worst

The scourge of leaving stupid messages instead of tips continues. A Charlotte restaurant server, who happens to be gay, was dismayed to receive a bible verse instead of gratuity from a table of diners earlier this week, reports the city's CBS affiliate. Upon paying the check, one of the bigoted customers wrote "Lev 20:13" and "Praying for you!" on the receipt.

"I never expected a hateful gesture like this," Alexandra Judd, a server at Zada Jane's, told WBTV. "I've had a guest leave me a pamphlet to their church as a tip one time, but I didn't feel as if they were being hateful towards me. The ladies that came in were very rude, and would hardly talk to me — but I never expected this."

Judd said she's heard of people leaving messages or "fake money" instead of tips at restaurants, but she "never believed it would happen to me, in the way that it did." She posted a photo of the receipt on Facebook — and showed some undeserved compassion by redacting the customer's name. "Don't pray for me darling, I have everything I could possibly want and need in my life," Judd wrote in the post.

Passing judgement and leaving hateful messages on restaurant receipts, sadly, is a time-honored tradition in this country. Recently, a server in Iowa received a nasty note because of her pink hair. In Southern California, a server who wasn't moving fast enough for a customer's liking was punished with a racist slur.

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