viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015

Bill Clinton-Inspired Beer Gets Thumbs Up From Hillary

It's called Chill Clinton.

It may come as no surprise that former president, sax player, and generally all-around chill dude Bill Clinton had a beer created in his honor: Iowa's Exile Brewing Co.'s Chill Clinton, an amber ale infused with hemp seeds. (Remember kids: He didn't inhale.)

According to the Des Moines Register, Hillary swung by the brewery for a visit while she was in town earlier this week. "When we got a call from Secret Service, we thought we were in trouble for using the name, but she was cool with it. She loved the idea of it. She thought it was funny," the brewery's manager told the paper. The brewery even presented Hill with a four-pack of the beer, which she presumably took home to husband Bill so they could kick back with a drink while he jammed out on the sax. (Probably.)

Hillary isn't the only politician with a taste for beer: President Obama has the distinction of being the first-ever president to brew beer in the White House. But does Hillary raise her pinky while drinking beer? The world desperately needs to know.

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